Perkins Brailler Support
Perkins Brailler manuals
- Perkins Brailler Manual in English
- Perkins Brailler Manual in Spanish
- Perkins Brailler Manual in German
- Perkins Brailler Manual in French
- Perkins Brailler Manual in Russian
SMART Brailler manuals
- SMART Brailler Quick Start Guide: Follow these instructions to setup your Perkins SMART Brailler.
- SMART Brailler User Manual: Detailed information on the operation of the SMART Brailler.
- SMART Brailler Save & Name File Cheat Sheet: Quick steps on how to save and name a file.
- How to Replace the SMART Brailler Battery: Follow these instructions to replace your SMART Brailler battery.
- SMART Brailler Audio Tour Script: Text script of the Audio Tour, which introduces the basic operation and features of the SMART Brailler.